(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
test print / how it might look ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
I BELIEVE, BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT I am incapable of making a bad picture. The reason and logic for that arrogantly stupid belief is the simple fact that (wink, wink) I believe it to be true and it does not matter if others believe to be true because it is only important that I believe it to be true. So there, that settles that.
In any event, I am about to test my belief inasmuch as I am meeting with a local business owner to discuss the possibility of sponsoring a "fresh air" pop-up photo exhibition on Main Street in our home town. Part of the discussion will, of course, focus upon how good my pictures are. And, I am certain he will be blown away by my sample 3x3' (on 4x3' paper) print.
The nuts and bolts of the idea is to fill approximately 20 large store front windows on Main Street with 1-each 3x3' (on 4x3' paper) prints of my life during wartime pictures. The prints will be Engineer Prints made by Parabo.Press that will be simply taped to the glass on the inside of the windows. As mis-fortune would have it (albeit lucky for me), nearly all of the Main Street stores in town are empty. So, getting the ok from the property owners to do this will be no problem.
Once the prints are hung, there will be, most likey on a late Saturday afternoon, an outdoor art-walk exhibition opening. Probably do the wine and cheese thing as well.
Wish me well with my meeting with the potential sponsor. Who, I might add, had previously expressed interest in sponsoring / underwriting one of my town-centered photo exhibition ideas. It is my firm belief that he believes I can not make a bad picture.