# 6463 / testing testing ~ testing


THIS ENTRY IS A TEST cuz as some might have noticed, for a short period of time earlier today this site was marked as EXPIRED. There was a screw up (by SquareSpace) over a payment but all is back to normal. So, this entry is a test of sorts to let anyone who thought I had vacated the premise know it was temporary glitch.

FYI, the picture of this entry is of 2 “keyboards; one is real, the other is my just competed LEGO typewriter-2,100pieces and 30 hours of assembly. It does not type but the keys can be depressed resulting in a click with one striker hitting the ribbon area and the paper carriage moving with each strike. It sounds like the real thing.

After completing the kit I felt that it might be easier to make a real typewriter than it was to build this LEGO typewriter.
