# 6691-97 / people ~ "nothing special"

nothing special, just some pictures ~ (embiggenable)




selfie ~ (embiggenable)



CONTINUING WITH MY HARANGUE, RE: Mike Johnston’s Is Photography…Ending? gibberish, I don’t know whether to give my Mr. Potato Head Award to Mike Johnson for….

….photographing is fast becoming nothing special or distinctive simply because everyone does it….It's a part of daily existence and fast becoming nothing at all special.”

or to a commentor for…

Have you yet seen a cell phone photo that you'd consider "great," worthy of joining the pantheon of great photographs? I didn't think so. The difference is in deliberateness, intent and talent.

Inasmuch as both notions are equally ludicrous, maybe Mr. Potato Head co-recipients is the best idea.

RE: “nothing at all special” - Is Mike Johnston hiding / living under a rock? Has he not been to any family households that have a zillion pictures of kids, pets, grandparents, vacation trips, etc., framed on the walls and/or on the frig door with a magnet? Or how about workplace offices, cubicles and desks? The idea that those pictures are “nothing special” cuz “everyone’s doing it” is patently absurd.

Or consider my recent experience at the Jersey Shore. 120 family members and far-flung relatives were busy snapping away, day and night. That number includes me who was snapping away with my iPhone and spitting out INSTAX instant prints. Within 24 hours of my arrival at the Shore, the word got out that I was handing out really “cool” pictures and the result was that I must have heard a zillion times, “Will you take my picture please?”

Apparently, a whole lot of people thought that having a “cool” picture of themselves to take home and, at the very least, put on the refrig door as memory / keepsake of the event was kinda “special”. Several individuals thought the INSTAX prints were so special that within a couple days they had ordered their own INSTAX Mini Printers.

Evidence for sure that Photography Is Ending.

RE: “The difference is in deliberateness, intent and talent.” I hardly know what to write about this idiotic idea. On the other hand, “What a fucking moron.” comes to mind. Does this dimwit think that cuz cellphone made pictures aren’t created with $10K worth of equipment that the person so doing is not acting with deliberation, specific intent, and talent? Once again, let me write, “What a fucking moron.”

Re: Henny Penny-ism (aka: Chicken Little-ism). ‘Nuff written (for now).
