(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
While I am still in a tizzy state of mind, re: previously mentioned instigator, I am still in the semi-pause mode. That is, not in the mood to tackle my next (and last) stick-in-my-craw irritation about the recent goings on on TOP.
However, since I am only semi-paused, I will write that my next tizzy related entry will deal with the TOP Esteemed Host's off-handed comment that making books by means of one of the various online makers of POD books is not in the small league with a multiple-K printing press run book of one's work. On one level he's correct, but on another level, he's not only wrong, he's missing a very significant happening in photography's culture.