# 6464-66 / travel • Jersey shore ~ my burden to bear

36 HOURS WITHOUT SLEEP, throw in a 430 mile drive thru the night and my first day at the Jersey Shore was a “recovery” day. Making photographs was not at the top of my to-do list.

That written, after 30 years of Jersey Shore summer “vacations” (not my idea of a vacation), I kinda feel that I have made pictures of every thing there is to make pictures of. And, inasmuch as what was once a “quaint” summer cottage place to be, over those 30 years the place has been turned into-thanks to the neauvo-riche and good ol’ America conspicuous consumption-little more than a grotesque upscale suburban enclave.

Boring, boring, boring and not a lot of referents that prick my eye and sensibilities.
