(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
I WOULD ASSUME THAT MOST, IF NOT ALL, OF MY BLOG READERS are spending much more time in their domicile inasmuch as ....
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now
Nearly every weekday evening after work, the wife and I retire to the enclosed porch off of our bedroom. We sip some fine bourbon or scotch, I enjoy a bit of a good cigar and we watch the sun go down and unwind. Over the past few weeks, we have also been "watching" life as we have known it go down and the "view" from our porch is rather surreal.
That written, I, like many others, have a lot of time on my hands (which I wash over and over again). However, what I can spend that time doing is becoming more and more limited. Especially so since I am in the high vulnerability group. Consequently, whatever I do will mostly likely be a solitary activity.
It has not required much imagination on my part to deduce what that activity will be. Suffice it to write that my picture library will most likely experience a growth cycle. And those added pictures will, in all probabilty, be made within or close by my domicile. Although, since I do live in rural area / forest preserve, it is OK to get out and about without being in close proximity to other human beings.
It has occurred to me that now might be a good time to undertaken experiment, re: my idea to open a gallery. While that idea is in abeyance at this time, a virtual gallery is within the realm of possibilty. That is, an online gallery. Quite obviously, this idea requires audience participation in the form of submission of pictures. So, here's the crux of it...
In order for this to be doable and worth my time and effort, it would be very desirable, in fact necessary, for 15-20 individuals to submit pictures. In other words, I have the time too do this if others make the time to participate.
FYI, the theme for the gallery would be CORONAVOTOGRAPHY ~ life during wartime. Pictures of people, places, things made close to home.
If this project appeals to you, please indicate so by leaving a comment or simply hitting the LIKE button. And, if you could pass the word along, that would be much appreciated.