(embiggenable) • iPhone
week of 8.3.20 ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
FYI, JUST THOUGHT I WOULD MENTION THAT most pictures posted on this blog were made on theday of the entry or within 24-48 hours thereof. However, not every picture made within that time frame gets posted. So, that being the case, I thought I would start making and posting a week of picture collage comprised of all the pictures made that week.
And, yes, I have posted a picture-as shot-made within the frame of a rectangle. That's cuz I picture what I see and that's how I saw it. Never let it be stated that I am so anal-retentive, re: the square format, that I can not adapt to a given picture making situation. After all, as I say every time I repeat the Possum Lodge Man's Pledge...
"I'm a man. I can change. If I have to. I guess."
One last thought ... here is another quote/excerpt from Sally Eauclaire. She was writing about Stephen Shore's pictures ....
"He is engaged not with any thing’s knowable identity, but with its visual mystique, its potential for being turned into a picture."
Change "He is" to "I am" and it describes my picture making MO to a T.