sink / window in Brooklyn ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
a tree grows in Brooklyn ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
phone cluster in Brooklyn ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
IN A RECENT ENTRY I WROTE A RESPONSE TO a blogger's statement that, when using an iPhone to make pictures, he/she did not "feel like either a photographer or an artist". In my response I did not approach that statement from the POV of an iPhone picture maker. Rather, I kept it generic inasmuch as I pointed out that, by dictionary definition, if one makes a picture with a picture making device, any kind of device, one is a photographer. Or, iMo, at least acting like a photographer.
Re: the other idea of feeling like an artist, I pretty much begged off dealing with it by writing that I did not know what an artist is or is supposed to feel like. For that matter, I really did not know what a photographer is suppose to feel like. And, to get down to the nub of the feel-like idea, I have never spent much time, if any, trying to figure out what it feels like to be a human.
Since this is a blog about the medium of photography and its apparatus, venturing down the metaphyics (abstract theory with no basis in reality) rabbit hole is not on my play card. So....
.... simply written, I make pictures, therefore I am. I make art, therefore I am. I am a human, therefore I am. I do not think about being those things cuz I just do it (those things), and, I just try to do it in best manner I know.