# 5750 / trees ~ plus a reader's comment

a tree grows in Brooklyn ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3

IN RESPONE TO MY LAST ENTRY wherein I explained the derivation of the the Old German statement made in 1589. That statement was later changed to read, Of what use are lens and light to those who lack in mind and sight? On that entry Thomas Rink left a comment which explained some additional German history:

"In 1589, we Germans were still so primitive that we used DSLR's! Even though already in 1517, somebody wrote that "mirrorless is the future" on a PostIt and stuck it on a church door. Things went nasty in 1618, when a Fuji user, frustrated with the fiddly handling of the camera, threw the damn thing out of the window and the 30 years war ensued."

Thanks Thomas. It is always appreciated when a blog follower chimes in to set the historic record straight.
