# 6148-52 / common places / things • kitchen sink ~ what is creativity?






“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking seeing what no one else has ever thought seen.” ~ Albert Einstein

One might compare the art of photography to the act of pointing. It must be true that some of us point to more interesting facts, events, circumstances, and configurations than others.” ~ John Szarkowski

I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO WRITE AN ENTRY ABOUT the idea of creativity. I haven’t done so cuz, as is my wont, I have been researching the writing of others on the subject and come to the conclusion that it is plenty easy to go down a rabbit hole on the subject. Notions on the subject range from obtuse psycho mohbo-jumbo to just plain ill-informed nonsense.

I have no desire to contribute to that mess but I do have a few thoughts on the subject. Over the next few entries I’ll spew of them out for consideration.FYI, be forewarned, most of my ideas are concerned with creativity as it applies to the of making pictures that are instigated by the desire to create Fine Art (as opposed to decorative art).
