the heat don’t work cuz the vandals took the handle ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
window needs cleaned ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
I AM GIVING THOUGHT TO NO LONGER TAGGING MY pictures with iPhone nomenclature. I started doing so shortly after I began pictures almost exclusively with an iPhone. Doing so was instigated by the desire to be a kinda poke-a-stick-in-the-eye of the idiots who were, and many cases still are, denigrating the iPhone as unsuitable use as a “serious” picture making device.
What has got me to thinking about ending this nomenclature practice is the fact that I have become increasingly sick to death, re: camera fanboys/girls who are forever telling us what a marvelous-the best camera ever made-camera they use…I’m especially addressing-but not exclusively-the Leicophiles-like the guy out there who wrote, “Seeking the wisdom of generations of Leicophiles”-out there who think their pictures are something special cuz they use the Leica system. Although, in my experience, all that bragging usually means that the pictures are actually nothing to write home about.
In any event, I have no desire to be considered / viewed as an iPhone fanboy. So, I think the solution is to have a single all pictures made with an iPhone unless otherwise noted statement on my blog and WORK page. That is, unless, of course, Apple decides to underwrite my picture making with a $100K grant.