# 6437-40 / Rist camp • common things ~ a weird sense of obligation

in the ADIRONDACKS ~ all photos (embiggenable)

Rist camp

at the Jersey Shore

Rist camp

µ4/3 camera

THE CAT AND I ARRIVED AT RIST CAMP ON TUESDAY. The wife arrived on Thursday evening for 4 day stay then back to work on Tuesday. A pattern she will keep until the last full week when she will stay the week. Life is good.

Last week at the Jersey Shore, I lamented the notion that I felt that, after 30 years of visiting the shore, I had photographed every thing there is to photograph at the shore. Turns out that there were more than a few things that pricked my eye and sensibilities. And, as I sit here at Rist camp, it turns out that I feel the same way, re: photo making possibilities in and around camp. Nevertheless, I am certain that there will be plenty of picture making possibilities.

That written, a strange thing happened as I was packing for camp; for some reason I can not fathom, it occurred to me that I should bring my µ4/3 camera and kit to camp.

Perhaps it was just a twinge of nostalgia for my former picture making M.O. However, on the other hand, I had a feeling somewhat akin to guilt, re: inasmuch as I have made so many good pictures with that gear, it seemed as though I was obligated-lest I be considered to be an ingrate-to make some more good pictures with the the gear. Weird, no? Although, not exactly Don-old Trump weird.

In any event, I brought the gear along, but….there is a downside to using it; I need the full processing power of PS to process the files. That’s something I do not have access to here at Rist camp cuz, as I have mentioned previously, my very old-in-the-tooth laptop no longer supports any version of PS. Which means I can shoot but I can not process and post.

All of that written, it will be a modified return to yesteryear-a real camera hangs on my body-but with the iPhone always at the ready. Real camera file processing to come upon my return to home.
