an Adirondack cairn-ine ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
ON MY FIRST OUT-AND-ABOUT VENTURE (a 22 mile run-each way-to the nearest grocery store) I came across a number of examples of a very localized Adirondack creativity...along an approximate 8 mile stretch of secondary roadway (2-lane rural road), centered around the hamlets of Olmsteadville and Minerva, are randomly located dog-like rock cairns.
About 6-7 years ago an enterprising and creative local began making these dog cairns, the wife and I have dubbed them to be cairn-ines, placed along forest-lined roadways. They caught the public's fancy and the artist began filling requests from home / camp owners to make them for their front yards. The wife and I are finally-after contemplating it for 4 years-pulling the trigger and having one made in our front yard at home, 60 miles away from their native habitat.