early morning light ~ Alexandria Bay • Thousand Islands, NY (click to embiggen)
vintage signs ~ Alexandria Bay • Thousand Islands, NY (click to embiggen)
The trip was extended through most of Saturday because, while the kids were swimming in the hotel pool after the morning game, the wife and I were able to sit on our room's balconey overlooking the St. Lawrence River / Seaway, enjoy a libation and bask in the warmth of a blue-sky 70F degree afternoon. The sojurn was made even more enjoyable with the knowledge that, by the same time Sunday, there would most likely be 2 feet of snow on the ground.
After leaving the hotel we walked arond the town's main street whick looks remarkedly like it did in the 40s and 50s - my kinda a place. I suspect the reason for that situation is that the town is a distinctly (upper) middle-class destination (although very expensive watercraft are to be found at the various docks during the summer /early fall seasons). Off season, the town rolls up the sidewalks and most retail shops / restaurants / bars close down making it a very quiet place.
AN ASIDE - most small villages and towns here about have attached to their WELCOME signs a smaller sign noting that zoning ordinances, parking restrictions and the like are in effect. A telling sign regarding the town's summer season character attached to the Alexandria Bay WELCOME sign states quite, OPEN CONTAINER LAW STRICTLY ENFORCED.