#6594 / common places • common things ~ blog note


IT HAS BECOME INCREASINGLY CHALLENGING TO address / create the written content of this blog. That is not cuz I’m bored or due to a waning desire to do so, rather, it’s just that after 20 years of blogging, I seem to have exhausted the reservoir of things to write about-without repeating myself over and over-re: the medium of photography and its apparatus.

As I have written previously, my desire for this blog is to keep it focused on things photography/ic and to avoid, at all costs, turning it into a chit-chatty coffee klatch about pool tables, swimming, tea, et al, and, god forbid, photo gear. Ya know what I’m talking about; like all the OT stuff on TOP. With all due respect and sympathy, no doubt it seems that Mike Johnston has essentially exhausted his reservoir of things photography as well.

That written, the photo-related blogosphere-like blogging in general-has pretty much run its course. This blog keeps limping along with 1.1K visits, 880 unique visitors, and 1.7K page views a month, a fraction of its former numbers. However, the numbers do not tell the whole story; use to be that there was quite a respectable number of comments about my various posted ideas, thoughts, and musings which instigated interesting discussions of sorts-an exchange of ideas and musing. There were even bounce-back, vying opinions expressed on other photo blogs. iMo, unfortunately, all that is long gone.

FYI, the reason I began blogging was 2-fold; a) to get my photos seen, and, b) more importantly, to get my thoughts and ideas, re: the medium and its apparatus, outa my head-for all the world to see-and down on paper (virtual paper, that is) in an effort to understand / sort it all out what the hell I was doing, photography wise (and, I might add, item b has been well served in that regard). If that proved to be of interest for others, so be it. If not, it is not like I was taking up too much space.

All that written, at least for the immediate future, nothing much is gonna change here on lifesquared. Although, an important element of my upcoming New Year’s Resolution is to do a significant, fine-tuned / focused update to my WORK page.
