more from my parent's trip to Yellowstone (embiggenable)
railroad porter with ice cart
abandoned teepee gas station
As I was scanning old family snapshots I was looking for a date imprint on the prints to get an idea of when the pictures / prints were made. Back in the day, Kodak was given to doing date imprints but these prints were devoid of any such thing.
Then it dawned on me - these prints were made by my grandfather. And, mostly likely, he had processed the film from which they were made.
In another odd occurrence, much like growing up In Rochester and never giving a thought to photography, I never knew until after my grandfather's death that he was a avid/"serious" life-long amateur photographer. So much so that he even processed and printed color film at a time when the process was not exactly user friendly.
Makes me wonder what my picture making life might have been like if I had an earlier kickstart.