# 5897-99 / around the house• civilized ku ~ playing within the boundary lines

iced tea ~ Phoenicia, NY - in the Catskill Mountains (embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

I HAVE BEEN CONCENTRATING ON MAKING FULL-FRAME pictures with the iPhone. Many of the pictures have been made with the PORTRAIT setting in order to generate-subject must be within 8 feet-a narrow DOF look.

AN ASIDE It seems kinda odd to say/write the phrase, "a narrow DOF "look" inasmuch as it could be understood to mean that I am applying a filter / app to create an "effect". Of course, to be accurate, that understanding is essentially very close to what is going on with my iPhone's AI (or whatever it might be). Nevertheless, I rationalize my use of the PORTRAIT setting-cuz I don't do art-sauce effects, aka: cheap tricks-by considering it to be a "setting" in the manner of an f-stop selection being a setting. Samo-samo, right? END OF ASIDE

In any event, for me, an interesting side effect (no filter/app used) to making pictures in the full-frame format is that the square format is seemingly starting to feel constrained. I use the word "seemingly" cuz the fact is that, now that I am open to using the full-frame format, when my eye and sensibilities are pricked with the sight of something which has the potential for being turned into a picture, I can sense-picture in my head / visualize-how the interdependencies of the visual elements in a scene might better work together when framed within either a square or a rectangle.

That written, square or rectangle, iMo, it's all good.

a few of the items in the Space Garden ~ Boiceville, NY - in the Catskill Mountains (embiggenable) • iPhone
