Hudson River School homage ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
approaching rain ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
IT STANDS TO REASON THAT SINCE I AM at Rist Camp, within a 1/4 mile of the Hudson River-the mighty Hudson is 20 feet wide at this point-that I would make a Hudson River School like picture.
FYI, I detest the ubiquitous blazing sunset, cliche sunset picture. When confronted with a blazing sunset my standard SOP, if I am inclined to make a picture, is to turn 90-180 degrees away from the sunset and look for a more subtle expression of the event. Fortunately for me, Rist Camp is oriented to the north at about 90 degrees away fron the setting sun.
That orientation means I do not have to get out of my Adirondack chair (on the front porch) to make a Hudson River School like picture (when nature presents such a visage to my eye and sensibilities).