# 6066-68 / around the house•kitchen life ~ f8 and be there


early afternoon / late morning light ~ (embiggenable)

The fewer imaginative people there are the better I say because it leaves more room for me to run around in.” ~ Dominic Rouse

BEING A CREATURE OF SOME HABITUAL HABITS, I sometimes miss the forest for the trees. Like, say, today…

I get out of bed in the morning and head down to the kitchen where I sit at the kitchen island counter, drink coffee, have a morning sweet and, combobulate. Often times it is during this ritual that the morning light on the sink counter pricks my eye and sensibilities which causes me to make a picture. Such was the case this morning.

However, contrary to my normal lunch pattern / habit wherein I eat-typically a sandwich-at my computer, after I made soup and I sat at the kitchen island counter to eat. Lo and behold / surprise, surprise, my eye and sensibilities were pricked by an unexpected vision - early afternoon light on the other side of the kitchen sink from where I normally make my early morning light pictures. At nearly the same time, I also noticed, to my right, the light from a side window reflecting from the chrome of the cafe table.

That written, I have never given much thought to making pictures of afternoon light on the left side of the kitchen sink. In large part, that’s cuz there is rarely a cluster of things on that part of the counter and it is how the light, morning or afternoon, strikes a cluster of things on the counter that pricks my eye and sensibilities.

In any event, It is amazing what you can see when you keep your mind and eyes open.
