As I have written previously, I only rarely submit pictures for consideration for juried exhibitions. And, in fact, the only juried exhibitions to which I have submitted pictures - over the last 2-3 years - are those offered by
PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont.
The reasons for that exclusivity are two fold; 1.the submission fee is reasonable - $30 for 5 picture submission, and, 2.for that fee, if one of your pictures is accepted, the gallery will print your picture for $35 - choice of high quality paper - and matte and frame and hang it for no cost. FYI, in the gallery world that is a rare offer.
All of that written, the reason for my only ocassional participation is that, when a request for theme-based submissions is announced, the name of the juror is included in the announcement. I immediately visit the juror's website in order to determine his/her picturing bias. If that bias is slanted toward (partially or completely) contrived picture making wherein software or hardware effects are on prominent display, I do not bother to submit any pictures. FYI, that seems to be the case more often than not.
That written, the next juried exhibition, Composed, features Sam Abell as the juror. Abell worked for National Geographic as a contract and staff photographer for thirty-three years so his picture criteria is no surprise:
As juror for this exhibit, what am I looking for in an image? In a word: everything. I want to see well designed photographs that have depth, strong structure, good light—and within them a spark of life.
What don’t I want to see? Images that are contrived, forced, synthetic or derivative. Images where software or hardware have made the picture.
I will be submitting pictures for consideration for this exhibition.
more artspeak blather ...
I aim to loosen the complexities of material encounter with intangible concepts.