I have been re-imagining, print making wise, the look of my Life Without the APA work.
As I was preparing some of the work for submission to a gallery, I realized that, in keeping with the subhead-Nightmare Visions-to the work, the images were not visually nearly nightmare-ish enough. AKA: they did not look gloomy / threatening enough to convey the idea of "nightmare". For comparison, you can view the originals on the WORK page of my site.
For those of you not familiar with this work, the concept was to create composite images-made from blending 10-15 pieces of my existing work on a typical Adirondack scene-which depicted what the Adirondack PARK might look like without the oversight of the Adirondack Park Agency. The agency which is charged with enforcing the "Forever Wild" Amendment (Article XIV) in the New York State Constitution.
The original Adirondak scenes: