# 5604-05 / civilized ku ~ a day late and a dollar short

so long 2020 ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

6 miles from my house ~ (embiggenable)

AS MENTIONED IN AN EARLIER ENTRY, I was not on top of my game this Holiday Season (for numerous reasons). Consequently, I did not post an entry, as has been my tradition, wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season. My bad.

However, while moving about yeasterday-on New Years Eve-my errands took me to Santa waving goodbye to 2020. Or, that's what I surmised cuz why else would Santa still be hanging around?

So, here's wishing everyone a better 2021. That is, hopefully better than 2020.

FYI, Santa is flanked by bombers which were based at the former SAC base 20 miles from my home. The bombers were loaded with atomic bombs and flew 24/7 at "fail-safe" points-on the edge of Soviet airsapce-ready to penetrate that airspace on a moments notice. See the movie Dr. Strangelove for what could go wrong.

The pictured atomic-armed Atlas missile, along with a few others, was positioned-1960s-70s-just 6 miles outside of our little Adirondack village. That's Whiteface Mountain, the 1980 Olympic downill venue, just to the left of the missile. If things had gotten out of hand, our little village would have been an atomic wasteland / graveyard.

On that happy-it-didn't-happennote, have a Happy New Year.
