Northern Lights ice cream stand ~ Inlet, NY - in the Adirondack PARK
porch / Arrowhead Park ~ Inlet, NY - in the Adirondack PARK
Took a drive to Inlet (in the Adirondack PARK) yesterday afternoon, the place where I spent summers as a kid. Without a doubt, the place which was the genesis of my love of the Adirondacks.
While there, the wife and I had an ice cream sundae at the Northern Lights Creamy. In fact, that was the reason for the drive and the ice cream stand has changed very little since my kidhood days.
The visit to Northern Lights Creamery was notble for 2 items (other than the ice cream): 1) we discovered that NLC is one of Hillary Clinton's favorite place to eat in NYS, and, 2) I had my first encounter with a resident of Whitesboro, NY.