truck art ~ Southside / Pittsburgh, PA (embiggenable) • iPhone
kids~ Cherry Hill, NJ (embiggenable) • iPhone
Xmas and New Years has come and gone. Over that time I have gone to Pittsbugh, PA and on to Cherry Hill, NJ and back home again.
While I was away, I meant to post an entry or two but, one thing or another, I never found the time. However, I did manage to make approximately 40 pictures, most of which were made with the iPhone camera module.
On the subject of picture making, iPhone / µ4/3 or otherwise, this Xmas most of my gift giving centered around giving pictures (prints). Or, as I tend to think of it, preserving and giving memories. And, it is worth noting that one of the recipients of one of my pictures actually broke out in tears (of joy), a response which cemented by decision to make my primary gift giving (any and all occasions) centered around preserving and giving memories.
My ability to preserve and give memories is attributed to my adoption of iPhone picture making inasmuch as I am making a lot of pictures of people - something I did not do much of with my "real" cameras (for what reason I don't know). And, pictures of people - family, friends, et al - are the single most cherished pictures that most people possess.
What I have discovered about my people pictures is that I can not help but bring all of my picture making / processing / vision skills to the making of such pictures. Consequently, the pictures are perceived as something very special, above and beyond what they are accustomed to seeing in a "snapshot". Throw in my deckled snapshot border and somehow, a picture becomes even more special, which may be due to the fact that the retro border incites a rather instant "nostalgic" reaction / quality to the picture.
In any event, I have been absolutely delighted with the reactions I have received to my the new snapshot pictures.