(embiggenable) • iPhone
....beneath the accidents of nature is a realm infused with harmony and order, and, in giving visual form to the realm, the poetry existing within transient moments of human experience is revealed.
Over many years, this quote is one of many I have discovered which relates to my way of seeing and, consequently, to my way of making pictures.
That is, as I have written more than a few times, my pictures are rarely about that which is depicted, aka: the referent(s). Rather, my pictures are most often about the "harmony / order" I see-and isolate within the frame of my picture-in the patterns of line, shape, tone, color presented to me by "accidents of nature". While I have never thought that my pictures revealed "the poetry existing within transient moments of human experience", I can see how some might see it that way.
That written, whether or not one views my pictures as poetry-perhaps a better word would be poetic*-my picturing intention is to use the dipicted referent(s), "featured" and subordinate, to hint at or "point" to something which lies beyond the "mere" surface of the 2D print. Consequently, therein is the reason that I don't care about maximized resolution / sharpness in my pictures.
To wit, while, by the nature of the medium of photography and its apparatus, I am drawing a viewer's attention to the thing(s) depicted, it is most certainly my intention that a viewer not get "hung up" on the literal(ness) seen in my pictures but rather to move beyond that to a more metaphoric or allegoric sensitivity. And, to my eye and sensibilities, a "softer" image-relative to that produced by super hi-res sensors- is the picturing and processing device I use to attempt to bring viewers along to my POV.
*having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression