ku # 1378 ~ try it, you might like it

root, grass, leaves ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

For years my RAW conversion software of choice has been Iridient Developer. That may be about to change.

A while back I downloaded a RAW conversion software - RAW Photo Processor 64 (RPP) - because the developers claimed to have a compressed compensation adjustment which (acoording to their website) "allows to preserve highlights in more film-like style instead of clipping used in traditional linear exposure compensation" and the creation of "tone curve adjustments based on actual film density measurements in different development modes" which should allow the user to finally be able "to obtain that dearly-looking film-like tonality in your pictures".

RPP is developed for use on Mac OS machines which is good for me. However, after an initial test drive I found the program to be extremely non-intuitive. So, after a period of unseccessful trial and error, I decided that it wasn't for me.

Fast forward to a few months ago when I started to follow the work of a picture maker who, it seemed to me, was either still using film or using a really good RAW conversion program which produced a very good film-like result. Either way, I like the non-digital look of his images and it re-ignited my desire for a more film-like look to my pictures.

So, since I am not going back to using film, I decided to give RPP another look-see. My opinion about its non-intuitive interface hasn't changed but, after a lot of trail and error messing around, I have been able to come to grips with the interface. Consequently, I have been able "to obtain that dearly-looking film-like tonality" in my pictures.

That written, I am not yet fully committed to using RPP. A lot more RPP trial and error messing around (albeit now with a lot less error) together with comparisons with files created using Iridient Developer vs. the same files created with RPP is in my future.

That written, there is no question in my mind (and eye) that RPP handles highlight in an absolutely exquisite film-like manner.

FYI, google "RAW Photo Processor 64" and the results with take you to the RPP site where a free full-featured download is available (not a trial version - it's yours to use forever). The results should also link to another site - RPP for begginers / Pavel Kosenko - which has a tutorial that helps to get you going.

And yes, today's root, grass, leaves picture is processed using RPP.
