constructed # 5 / ku # 1404-06 ~ stormy weather





As I continue to create constructed pictures for submission to the B&W exhibition, I have given pause to think about why all of my constructed pictures are very nior-ish. After a moderate amount of consideration, I have been unable to come up with any deductions or understanding of why this is so.

Although, since my intent for the constructed pictures is to create a sense of mystery / surrealism / strangeness, it stands to reason that things hidden in / emerging from / masked by the dark are a time-tested way of creating the feelings I am striving for. After all, the dark is something that humans have been fearful of since the dawn of life on planet earth. So, maybe the answer to my question is as simple as that and there is no need to schedule an appointment with a pyschotherapist.

FYI, whle searching through my picture library for pictures with elements that would work for my constructed pictures, I have found quite a number of storm pictures in which dark ominous clouds are very predominant and which work well for my intent. After opening the files and picking them apart for elements to include in my constructions, I have been also been converting the pictures into the B&W photography world and I really like the results.

Perhaps it is time to create a B&W stormy weather body of work.
