# 6786-88 / landscape ~ on the road again (and in the air)

all photos ~ (embiggenable)

TOOK ANOTHER RAINY DRIVE. THIS TIME TO pick up some odds ’n ends for our trip to San Diego. Starts tomorrow. Get back next Thursday. 1 day of rest then it’s a drive to West Virginia (University of) to pick up the grandson for Thanksgiving break. After a Penguins game-in Pittsburgh, PA-it’s a drive to Pinehust, NC for a week of golf. He’s on the school golf team and wants to play a lot of golf.

I’m thinking that, since I will be a couple big cities-Pittsburgh, San Diego, Morgantown-I might be able to get in some street photography. That written, I promise I will not bore you with a entries about golf or a lot of golf pictures. Unlike some who think a photo sites should tell you all about swimming or faucets.
