# 6917-20 / the new shapshot • kitchen sink ~ all work and no play...

all photos (embiggenable)

make Jack a dull boy. OK, my name ain’t Jack but, that written, I do like to play cuz, ya know, I certainly have no desire to be a dull boy (OK, I ain’t a boy either). On the other hand, I do engage in a form of play that some might consider to be a bit dull - building LEGO sets. That written, I do tend to build sets that contain 2,000 pieces (+/- a few hundred). It’s sorta like doing a jigsaw puzzle except for the fact that LEGO sets do come with instructions.

However, those who think of building a LEGO set as a dull undertaking do have a point (sorta); those kits with multi-K parts do require the aesthetically unsatisfying assembly of most of those parts which serve as the unseen, internal support / structure of the finished piece. For instance, on the 1,700 piece Tuxedo Cat set, only about 300 of those pieces end up being visible.

But, enough OT and back to photography; after picturing part of the build-my real tuxedo cat seemed to find it boring-and then the final product in situ, it occurred to me that, tuxedo cats, being made up of black and white, the photos thereof should be presented as BW photographs. And, since I was “merely” documenting my hobby, the snapshot look was also the way to go cuz, ya know, I don’t want anyone to think I was trying to make art.

FYI, the last 2 entries generated 2 comments. WOW, maybe the times they are a-changin’ (or not). in any event, I appreciate knowing that someone out there is getting something from this blog. Thanks John and Bernie.
