# 6452-54 / kitchen life-sink • around the house ~ some facts of life

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part of death in the ER sequence from Day In The Life of An Urban Hospital book

The photographer’s bias is for straight photography. For a photograph to be called a “photograph” it should first and foremost be a fact. Insofar as it is not, it is something else. ~ K.B.Dixon

Some facts are crueler than others.

# 6449-51 / common things • porches ~ what does a porch say about the person(s) who live beyond the door?

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THE PORCHES BODY OF WORK IS REACHING A respectable number of photographs. After a reasonably thorough traverse of town, I believe there are about 5-6 more porches suitable for this body of work. I will be out and about once again tomorrow and try to wrap it up.

That written, I can attest to somewhat disconcerting feeling, re: the making of photographs for this project. That stems from the fact that I rarely head out for the purpose of making specific photographs of a specific referent. And, to be completely honest, it is fair to write that I rarely head out for purpose of making photographs.

That written, it is rare for me to head out and not make a photograph or 2, or 20 or so. However, it can be accurately written that I never know what I might photograph. That is, until something pricks my eye and sensibilities. Hence my picture making M.O. can be described as discursively promiscuous, i.e. I will photograph any thing, at any time, any where.

All of that written, I feel fairly sure that, after tomorrow’s outing, I won’t be making any photographs of porches in my home town. Although, seasons come and go and things can change. So, please note that I did not write “never”.

# 6447-48 / kitchen sink • diptych ~ allusive, formal, and breathtakingly efficient


These collections of the photographer’s are pictorial notebooks—efforts to capture an evanescent emotional reaction to a visual stimulus. He is not really trying to say this or that has existed, but that this or that has existed for him in a particular way.” ~ K.B.Dixon

iMo and to my eye and sensibilities, the very best of photographs are those made by a photographer who see the world in their own innate / particular way; an M.O. that is most often labeled as their vision. And, the success of those photographs is most often conditioned upon, not what they photograph, but the resultant photographs which exhibit an exquisite sense of form.

Some might opine that creating form is just another picture making cliché; a tried and true formula for making pictures. To which I would write that, if it is true that everything that can be photographed has been photographed, I believe that it is true that no matter what one photographs there are endless possibilities for the creation of new form.

And, photographs that exhibit an allusive, formal, and breathtakingly efficient sense of form are those that separate the really good photographer from the merely talented picture makers.

#6444-46 / doors • travel ~ Marco Venturini Autieri, this one's for you

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ON MY LAST ENTRY, Marco Venturini Autieri wrote, re: my hometown porches photos:

“They are soooo different from what I would see around me (Tuscany). Another world.”

So Marco, right back atcha; last time I was in Tuscany, the front entrances to homes were soooo different from what I see around me (Au Sable Forks). Another world (and I really liked it).

# 6438-43 / common places-things • porches ~ can I walk and chew gum at the same time?

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PORCHES IN MY HOME TOWN, a nascent body of work which I hope to complete over the next week or so. I need another 10 photographs to flesh it out.

I should be un-distracted next week inasmuch as the wife is headed off to Washington State to meet up with her 2 besties and marry-she is the presiding “minister” as opposed to becoming a polygamist-one of her high school classmates. I’ll have a lot time on my iPhone picture making button hands, so it should be, barring some sort of severe weather, pretty productive, unless…

frgrnd - a “warm up” assembly / bkgrnd ~ earlier LEGO Succulants assembly

…one of my Bday presents was the LEGO Typewriter kit; 2079 pieces of very intricate assembly. Looking at the instruction book, it might just require a a week or two of my time to complete.

I guess it all comes down to a matter of priorities.

# 6431-32 / landscape ~ weathering the weather

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DID I MENTION THAT WE HAVE HAD a lot of rain-massive displays of thunder and lightning-over the last few days with flash flood warnings galore. Throw in uncommonly high temperatures for this time of year with uncomfortable levels of humidity and it’s accurate to write that it has been a unusual couple of days.

# 6424-27 / common places-things • copy cat ~ the dog days of summer have arrived

ON A RECENT WALK ABOUT IN OLD MONTREAL I made a few pictures that have been added to my art reflects gallery on the WORK page. During that walk about I was quite surprised when I came upon an art gallery window display of a painting that replicates my art reflects work.

Now I know that my art reflects photo book is floating around somewhere in Montreal. However, I don’t know where it is cuz I lost rack of it when it was stolen-I think of that as an act of appreciation-from a hotel lobby in Old Montreal. Consequently, I do not know if the maker of the window reflection art work painting has seen my book-probably not, unless of course, the artist is the one who stole it.

But, in any event, I feel flattered. Cuz, ya know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.