me and part of the team + the “umbrella” that’s now inside my heart~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
BACK HOME WITH AN "UMBRELLA" IN MY HEART AFTER MY 24 HOUR VISIT TO Vermont. All is right with the world...or...actually, not with the world but rather with my world. My WATCHMAN procedure was successful. At this point, it is 5 days of no squatting, lifting and minimal stairs in order to allow the small incision in my groin to heal and then it's on with the show.
In the interim, I am working on an entry in reply to Stephen McAteer's request:
" you have any posts outlining how you get such natural colours in your pictures?...My own photographs tend to be over-saturated as they come out of the camera. I would much rather have naturalistsic colour rendition like yours."
Don't know if that entry will be my next entry but it will be appearing soon.
FYI, re: the hospital picture, while the lead doctor is making a selfie-at my request with my iPhone-of himself and me, the anesthesiologist next to me is putting a temporary monitor into the artery in my wrist.