fall color ~ Au Sable Forks / Adirondack PARK - (embiggenable) • iPhone
door window ~ Rist Camp / Adirondack PARK - (embiggenable) • iPhone
picture window ~ Rist Camp / Adirondack PARK - (embiggenable) • µ4/3
My stay at Rist Camp has been extended for a few days due to the fact that our house interior renovations have not been completed as expected by the end of our Rist Camp stay. Hopefully we will have our kitchen back within 5 days.
extended caption: fall color - I have been driving by this seemingly dead tree for 20 years. It just won't give up the ghost. And this year, when fall color is both subdued and spotty (note trees in bkgrnd), it seems to be defiantly screaming, color-wise, "I'm still here!"