(embiggenable) • iPhone
EVEN THOUGH I HAD A VERY PLEASANT SPRING-LIKE TOP DOWN drive about yesterday-after giving the Abarth a spring cleaning-it seems like it might be time for concentrating on some indoor activities for the near future. That is, inasmuch as I am in the high-risk category, re: coronavirus, my out-of-house activities will be limited to those that involve only very limited contact with other prople.
Apparently, my idea to update various bodies of my work hatched at just the right time. Although, getting out on my own to make landscape / natural world pictures once Spring starts to spring is well within reason. Case in point, getting out wise, even yesterday's Abarth cleaning felt great with the sun warming my body after a long Winter season.
before / after ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
THE ABOVE COMPARISON PICTURES are a pretty good ilustration of what can be had from an iPhone image file with some carefully applied processing.
The picture making situation was a challenge .... all black referent in shadow backed by an all white wall in direct sunlight. I probably could have exposed for more shadow detail and still protected / rescued the highlights in processing but I wanted to see how much deep shadow detail could be "rescued" in processing.