# 6804-07 / travel ~ on the road again

all photos ~ (embiggenable)


Travel wise, today, after 36 hours of rest and recuperation at home, I am off on my 10 day golf-with-the-grandson trip. Our destination is Pinehurst, NC, approximately a 1,000 mile drive away.

Leaving this afternoon for a half-way stop over at my ex’s home for an over night break. Then on to Pittsburgh on Sunday to meet up with the kid and go to Penguins game. Monday, it’s on to NC. Next Saturday, after 5 days of golf, it’s a drive from NC to Morgantown, West Virginia, where I will stay overnight, then drop the kid off at school-University of West Virgini-on Sunday. Take a campus tour then head out to the ex’s home for another half-way over night break. Buy her breakfast on Monday morning and head home.

I will be posting entries during the trip. As promised, I will not bore you with a ton o’ golf pictures or golf stories.

# 6799-6803 / travel ~ So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen

all photos ~ (embiggenable)

OK. I GOT MY OBLIGATORY BEACH / OCEAN PHOTO. SEVERAL, actually. On a similar note, I went to a major tourist attraction - the world famous San Diego Zoo. TRAVEL TIP: visit in November - pleasant temperature and not much of a crowd.

Today is our last full day in California. Maybe my last day ever in California. Headed home tomorrow. Won’t miss a thing except our son and daughter-in-law. Although, the Korean BBQ restaurant was pretty damn good. Best kimchi this side of the Pacific.

Long travel day tomorrow. Outta bed at 7AM (10AM EST). Arrive in Vermont at 11PM EST. Jump in car for a 1.5hr drive home. Arrive home a 1-1:30 AM Friday. Ugh.

6794-98 / travel ~ this and that

CALIFORNIA, SPECIFICALLY THE BUILT UP URBAN / SUBURBAN areas that are dominated by highway systems that are alternately Indianapolis 500 speedways-with a fair number of kamikazi pilots at the wheels-and very slow moving parking lots, is not much to my liking. Some might suggest that the ocean / coast line is a saving grace but, to be honest, it don’t do much to light my fire.

So, after 4 days I have managed to not take a walk on the beach. That run is about to end this afternoon cuz I feel that I would be remiss in my duty, photography wise, if I were to come home without a beach picture. I am also proud to write that I have not made a sunset picture. Although, I do have a fair number of pictures of family members taking pictures of or staring at the sunset.

And, writing of family members taking pictures, one photo opportunity I did not explore-I actually wish I had-was making pictures of them taking zillions of pictures of each other. FYI, inevitably, all of those pictures were taken with the subject(s) just standing somewhere looking at the picture taker…

…just shoot me (pun intended)

6789-94 / travel ~ how I see it

all photos ~ (embiggenable)

IMO, THE CHALLENGE WHEN MAKING PHOTOGRAPHS WHILE TRAVELING is to make pictures that do not look like travel postcard pictures-deadpan pictures of ever so obvious tourist attractions and spots-yet, while staying true to your vision, still manage to capture an everyday-like sense of being there in the moment.

# 6612-15 / common things • street photography ~ touchy, touchy

statuary ~ (embiggenable)




PROCRASTINATION IS THE WORD OF THE WEEK. Since returning from Portugal, my mind, photography projects-wise, has been overloaded; processing, organizing and printing Portugal pictures, acquiring and messin’ around with the Instax printer and thinking about what I want to do with it, and what should be at the top o’ the heap - finalizing the work (and getting it out the door) on my Adirondack Survey Project.

The net result of all that mental muddle has been a bit of slacking off, blog entry-wise. However, over the past week there has been a bit of a preoccupation on a few sites, re: street photography. It seems like a bit of a contagion spreading from on site to another. So…

…the prime irritant which got me infected with the bug was a bit of a snit-ty entry from my annoyingly favorite Texas-based gearhead obsessive who is prone to getting a bit testy when his non-commercial, aka “personal”, photography bonafides are called into question. In this case, it seems that another blogger (unnamed) opined that the Texan’s pictures, those self-described as “street'“ photography, are not street photography at all. This poke at the hornet’s nest send the Texan into a snit that resulted in a throw spit-balls at the wall and see what sticks exercise. The spit-balls were a very large number of pictures, some of which had the “look” of street photography, others not so much.

That written, it is not my intention to get into the are-they-or-ain’t-they street photography fracas. My intent is to get off my chest, once and for all, my opinion that the work in question and, or for that matter, and / all of the non-commercial pictures posted by the Texan exhibit not single shred of a coherent picture making vision. And, when confronted with a similar assessment-which he has been-his defense is that his site is a gear review site, not an “art” site.

Well, iMo, he just blew that defense to smithereens. If his posting of his cluster-fuck / poorly edited street photography is not an attempt to bolster his non-commercial picture making creds, then-as his entry states-”we’re all delusional” and so is he.

All of the above written, what this street photography contagion has caused me to do is spend some time processing some of my Portugal street photography pictures to monochrome and present them in a new WORK page gallery. Have a look and let me know what you think of it.

PS more on street photography-specifically, Mike Johnston’s Tips For Photographing in Public-in my next entry. And, the bathroom picture in this entry is the bathroom in a our Porto, Portugal hotel room. I want to replicate it in our house.

# 6606-09 / travel • common places • common things ~ from this day forward




daughter and husband return from their Mediterranean honeymoon*~ (embiggenable)

FROM THIS ENTRY FORWARD YOUCAN ASSUME, UNLESS otherwise noted, that all pictures have been made with PRORAW.

Now that I have programmed the RAW processing process into my muscle memory-I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts-it has become obvious that that process is actually less involved / time consuming than working with jpegs. That’s cuz I do not have contend with circumventing the iPhone picture making AI that wants every picture to look like a bright, sunny-like Kodachrome day.

Amongst other things, I no longer have to soften, aka: reduce contrast, highlight values. The shadow values require less work to reveal detail and the color values, re: saturation, are much more realistic / natural. Although, I still reduce, but to a lesser extent than when working with jpegs, contrast in order to achieve a smoother tonal transitions.

My image file processing is based around the idea of achieving a file that, when printed, has the look and feel, of what some might call it, an old-timey C print (on Kodak Ektacolor paper-although Agfa color paper was very nice-made from color negative film). To my eye and sensibilities, that look and feel has a very satisfyingly “gentle” appearance that is the polar opposite of what I consider to be the retched excesses of the digital realm-i.e. fetish-like obsession with sharpness / resolution, max dynamic range, “punchy” colors and saturation, and the like.

That written, digital prints are very capable of replicating the look and feel of a C print when the originating file has the “right” look and feel. And, FYI, when I was talking with Joel Meyerowitz-I received an invitation to the NYC opening of a gallery exhibition showing the work of Meyerowitz, Shore and Eggleston-we both mentioned our surprise that, when we scanned our 8x10 color negatives, how much additional information-detail and color range-was to be had from a color negative and was subsequently revealed in a digital print.

me looking at a Meyerowitz after my conversation with Meyerowitz ~ (embiggenable)

* no, they did not take the train back from Europe. Instead, they flew from Europe to Montreal-only 50 miles or so from where we live-and rode the train, The Adirondack, to home where we met them at the station. The Adirondack runs daily-both directions-between Montreal and New York City. The route, along the very edge of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River has been voted as one of the top 10 picturesque train trips in the world.

# 6594-98 / street photography look ~ the question is why?

Braga Romana Festival ~ (embiggenable)

doorway ~ (embiggenable)

public phone ~ (embiggenable)

St Ignatius(?) ~ (embiggenable)

academia ~ (embiggenable)

WERE I TO BE OF A MIND TO I could make a monochrome body of work of scenes from Portugal that fit the street photography mode of seeing. Scenes in which color is not vital to the photograph’s visual impact.

That written, I don’t really have a reason to undertake such a project. Not sure what the point would be. On the other hand, were I to do so, make a book and present it to the wife as our trip to Portugal book, I might really enjoy her spontaneous expression-facial and verbal-of something along the lines of, “Are you f__ing kidding me? Is this a joke?”

Might be worth it just for that.

# 6591-93 / travel • kitchen sink • single women ~ a roving eye...have iPhone, will make pictures





“…Discovery in the photographic realm: treat the iPhone like it's a serious camera—concentrate—and you can do good work with it…” ~ Michael Johnston

Acting parse-imoniously, re: the meanings of “serious" camera / “concentrate” / “good work”, my first reaction is, “Well, well, well…better late than never.”…another doubter bites the dust.

That written, and having just returned from a trip to 4 tourist laden hot-spots, I can state with a high degree of assuredness that (seemingly) everyone has “discovered” that their iPhone-or any other similar device-is more than capable of producing very good quality photographs. How “serious” they consider the camera module to be or how much they “concentrate” when using it, is hard to determine but…I am reasonably certain that they make “good work” with it.

All of that written, if the cell phone picture making hoards even think about it at all-and I would guess that they do not-very few of them would consider themselves to be photographers. Rather, if asked, they might say that they were just taking pictures. Very few would ever say that they were making photographs. That’s cuz, as Jean Shepherd wrote:

“…he is [they are] the simple householder who desires only to ‘have a camera around the house to get a picture of Dolores in her graduation gown’What artistic results he [they] obtains are almost entirely accidental and totally without self-consciousness…”

iMo, this voluminous picture making craze is a very good thing. Who gives a damn if pictures are being made without the use of “serious” cameras or a high degree of “concentration”. And, if their definition of a “good” picture is one in which “Dolores in her graduation gown” are in focus, properly exposed, with decent color values, made easy by the simple touch of a button, that is a very good thing cuz…

…there really is such a thing-as KODAK phrased it-The Joy of Photography. It can be a very simple joy and you do not have to have a serious camera and a lot of concentration to experience it.

they’re eveywhere ~(embiggenable)