late afternoon light ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK (click to embiggen)
That signature was obtained while talking with Waters during a totally serendipitous encounter with him in Baltimore. I had gone into a rather funky "gift" shop in the Fell's Point neighborhood and when I went to the cash register to pay up, lo and behold and much to my utter astonishment, there was John Waters manning the checkout. As it turned out, Waters was in the shop helping a friend, something he did on a fairly regular basis.
The shop was empty of patrons so we chatted a bit and, of course, I asked him for an autograph. Whereupon he reached under the counter and produced a can of Aqua Net - left over from the Hairspray movie production - and offered to sign it for $10., money which he donated to a local charity. I paid up and got the can.