around the house ~ (embiggenable)
around the house ~ (embiggenable)
OVER THE WEEK PAST I HAVE MADE 3 PHOTO BOOKS. I AM working on a third book with 2 more to follow. Each book will also be accompanied by an 8 print folio. All of this activity is in prep for a major full-on assault on gallery / art institution directors / curators.
One of the things that happened in the creation of the around the house book, which has happened prior, is one day after hitting the order button for the book on the POD site, I made the picture seen on the top of this entry. A picture I most definitely would have included in the book. Needless to write, it will be included in the around the house folio.
BTW, this body of work is yet another body of work that was not planned from the get-go. It is an assembled-after-the-fact, oh-look-what-I-found lurking in my photo library. The amazing thing (to me) about the work is that it is my first body of work that is made using the iPhone full-frame format. A fortuitous picture making happenstance if ever there was one.
FYI, the around the house book contain 20 pictures.