SINCE THE START OF MY DIGITAL CAMERA USE, I kinda missed the shallow DOF possible with most film-based cameras. That fact was exacerbated by my adoption of the micro 4/3 sensor - the smaller the sensor, the smaller the lens-projected image magnification factor = greater apparent DOF at any f-stop setting.
In order to mitagate this DOF situation, I acquired only fast, prime lenses that I used wide open to obtain some satisfactory measure of shallow DOF (when desired). Worked in some picture making situations, not so much in other situations. With the availability of full-frame digital sensors / cameras, I was sorry tempted to make the switch from µ4/3 to full-frame but, the cost / benefit ratio-duplicating my µ4/3 system-for the number of times I might want shallow DOF was most definitely out of whack. But wait….
…enter the PORTRAIT setting on the iPhone…
ASIDE this would be a good place to pause and take a deep breath if you are one of those “purists” who whine, moan, or outright scream that the iPhone PORTRAIT setting ain’t" “real” DOF. END ASIDE
…and as far as I am concerned, all is right with the world.
In any event, this entry was instigated by Mike Johnston’s request for submissions to another of his BAKER’s DOZEN call for work. The theme is pictures with “some king of blur” with the caveat that only pictures expressly made for this BD Blur event-created after 4/28/23-would be considered for prize awards. However, I believe that this caveat has since been rescinded.
Before that rescinding, I was rather annoyed cuz I have an ever expanding body of work in which blur-to one degree or another, one type or another-is the predominant visual component. That body of work is comprised of pictures made using the iPhone PORTRAIT setting. Nevertheless, within a few hours of seeing the BD Blur request for pictures, I made a few new pictures with the iPhone.
FYI, one thing I really like about the iPhone PORTRAIT setting is the fact that the apparent DOF can be adjusted / fine tuned, ad infinitum, to any desire result after the picture has been made. Try doing that with your shot-wide-open “real” digital camera.
I will be making more blur pictures before submitting one to the competition. FYI, I have only submitted to two BD competitions. Accepted to both-Cameras, and In the Museum. Be interested to know if any followers of this blog participate.