# 5861-68 / landscape•civilized ku•people ~ curiosities and wonders

high desert ~ New Mexico (embiggenable) • iPhone

wedding~ Pittsburgh, PA (embiggenable) • iPhone

Mormon temple ~ San Diego, CA (embiggenable) • iPhone

Zippo sign~ Bradford, PA (embiggenable) • iPhone

dancing figure ~ Santa Fe, NM (embiggenable) • iPhone

ice cream stand ~ Canonsburg, PA (embiggenable) • iPhone

Harley cycles ~ Pittsburgh, PA (embiggenable) • iPhone

WHEN MOVING ABOUT THE COUNTRY / LANDSCAPE / PLANET WITHOUT A rigid itinerary, one never knows what one might encounter.

For the most part, that is how the wife and I like to travel. In doing so, serendipitous meandering and chance encounters have served us well cuz we love the unexpected sites, people and places we find. And traveling off-season, not for the reduced expense, but rather for the fact that we most often have wherever we are and whatever we are doing almost completely to ourselves is its own reward. Needless to write, I find a lot of picture making opportunities.

That written, I recently landed, thanks to a reference from a friend, on SIGHTSEER. The pictures, while reminiscent of the work of Martin Parr (technique-wise, using flash-on-camera to light subjects), are quite intriguing. Very good stuff.