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WHILE I HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY CONCENTRATED UPON the making of pictures of the dark side of life-that is, the low-light side, not the negative, troubled, or antagonistic part of life-I find that, nevertheless, I have a collection of approximately 100+ dark side / low light pictures (thank you, discursive promiscuity).
In any event, I must admit that I am drawn to nocturnal/noir-type pictures in a manner that I do not fully understand. Although, it would not be a stretch to associate my fascination/attraction to/with nocturnal/noir pictures with the "normal" human condition-not a phobia (nyctophobia)-of fear of the dark. An emotional state which conjures up ghosts, monsters, strange noises, apprehension of the unknown, or, even a feeling of detachment from self or feeling "unreal". Or, simply written, other worldly. I would even go so far as to write that, when viewing my dark side pictures (and those made by others), those feelings are amplified relative to what I experience in situ.
That written, to my eye and sensibilities, my nocturnal/noir pictures are quite different fom my "normal" work inasmuch as my "normal" pictures tend to be, on their surface, a rather "cool"(non-emotional), detail-oriented observation of real world referents. Whereas my nocturnal/noir pictures are slim on detailed referents and heavily oriented toward an appeal toward the emotional side of the street. That being the case, what both picture making M.O.s have in common is, iMo, that both approaches to picture making tend to instigate the same reaction, re: what is going on here? / what is this picture "about"?
Dispite instigating a similar question, each body of work tends to direct a viewer's answer to that question in a different direction. My "normal" work is biased toward the recognition and application of the principles of art and the nature of beauty, i.e. a somewhat reasoned appeal to the intellect (albeit not without an emotional aspect). My nocturnal/noir work is biased toward an immediate assualt upon the emotional senses (albeit not without the recognition and application of the principles of art).
Case in point:
Judge for yourself. What is going on in these pictures?
PS I am not afraid of the dark.