µ4/3 picture (embiggenable)
iPhone 7s camera module picture (embiggenable)
iPhone 7s camera module picture (embiggenable)
While spending the better part of the last 4 months in a the new snapshot picture making frenzy - approximately 500+ pictures - I have been contemplating / festering, re: my relationship with the snapshot thing and where do I want to go with it.
At this point, my conclusion is that I want to remain true to the snapshot idea inasmuch as: 1) I want to make lots of prints, and, 2) I want those prints to be small in size - think the classic drugstore sizes, and, 3) I want those prints to made by a commercial printer, and, of course, 4) all pictures to be made with the iPhone. While I am certain that I will make the occasional large print for framing and hanging on a wall, but I will have all of the new snapshot pictures printed elsewhere.
In other words, I push the button and leave the rest to someone else (in-camera processing aside), ala Kodak's original marketing slogan of, You press the button, we do the rest.
Re: printed somewhere else. Thanks to my friend Anna I have discovered a online printing source, Parabo Press, which is devoted exclusively to printing pictures made with a phone. Amongst their bewildering array of products, of particular interest to me, is their 4x4"/5.5" square prints. The prints are printed on a thick paper - almost framing mat thick - that is flat as a pancake and very lie / hang stiff.
I am currently awaiting the arrival of my first (free) set of 25 5.5" square prints. As far as I can tell - their site states, One free set per order - it appears that those prints are always free. There is a $5 charge for selecting the 5.5" prints instead of the no-cost 4" prints and the shipping cost - $10 - is not included. So, my cost for 25 5.5" square prints is a very reasonable $0.60 per print.
BTW, if you are interested in this printing service and are inclined to order prints, please use this code - BBQIAJ - when placing an order. Doing so gets you $10 off your first order and I get a $10 credit to use on my future orders. I would greatly appreciate it.