beets ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
banister ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
Bricklin in a basement ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
While out house shopping with a close friend, we came across a Bricklin in a basement. It was not included in the house sale.
Now that our interior house renovations (primarily the fireplace/tv room and opening it up to the kitchen) are completed, I am about to start a picture printing binge with my 24" Epson wide-format printer. One reason for that is that I have a number of new pictures I want to see in print form and a some of those pictures will end up on the walls (under new track lighting) of the fireplace/tv room and the kitchen.
FYI, most, if not all, of the prints will be made from my iPhone library of pictures inasmuch as most of my new pictures, made over the past 4-5 months, were made with the iPhone.