(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
AS OUR 5 WEEK SOJOURN AT RIST CAMP WINDS DOWN, my picture count hovers around the 150-60 mark. No doubt, with Autumn color near its peak-Leaf Peeper Season-there will be another 40-50 pictures added over the next 4 days.
Not a single picture has been made, during this time at camp, with my Olympus µ4/3 cameras. Never felt the need for it inasmuch as the iPhone continues to deliver the goods. Looking forward to getting home and firing up the printer cuz I think I've got some good ones.
FYI, in answer to the question in my last entry, I can now write with a high degree of certainty that I am not a cow.