from my kitchen sink work ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
my desktop ~ (embiggenable)
I HAVE COMPLETED ORGANIZING-into a separate folder-MY RECENT-ish kitchen sink pictures (29 pictures). Together with another 16 pictures to be moved to that folder, my total number of pictures in the kitchen sink body of work is 45 pictures. The next challenge is to pick 20 pictures to print for a kitchen sink presentation folio.
An interesting thought occurred to me while I was organizing the kitchen sink pictures. The thought was that the work could easily be titled Playing in Jan Groover's Garden.
That thought was very late coming to mind inasmuch as I was made aware of Groover's Kitchen Still Life work in the early 1980s when I was advising-re: technical / hardware photography things-the author of the The New Color Photography book. Despite that fact, I never once over the intervening years consciously thought about / considered the idea that I was, as they say, standing on Groover's shoulders.
That written, Groover's work and my work could legitimately be considered to be variants of a flower species (sticking with the garden metaphor)in as much as our referents are very similar. However, our pictures are distinctly different. For one thing, mine are "found" still life pictures while hers are "made" / constructed pictures. For another thing, Groover's pictures are more "warmly romantic" whereas mine might be considered to be "cooly analytical".
In any event, the KITCHEN SINK gallery on my WORK page will be updated within the next week.
PS another possible canidate for the BAKER'S Dozen: GRANDKIDS submission:
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