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AS I WORK TOWARD A STATE OF THE MEDIUM AND ITS APPARATUS entry, it makes sense for me to eliminate some topics that I will not be writing about. So, off the top of my head ...
.... photo journalism. I follow photo journalism online, primarily on the NY TIMES. The only comment I have, re: that genre, is that BW pictures are almost entirely a thing of the past. iMo, that's a good thing inasmuch as the goings on in the world happen in a world of color. End of story.
.... gear. Gear holds one tiny tick above zero for me. Suffice it to write, there are lots of picture making devices out there. Pick one and go to town. End of that story.
.... professional / commercial photography. Even though that's the pond I swam in for decades, it's all ancient history now-some damn good history it was-and, while I do (on occasion) miss being challenged by clients to produce creative solutions to assignment requirements, I do not miss the challenge of keeping the studio lights on and paying the bills. End of that story (although I could write a book).
All of that written, I would like to end the year / decade with note of thanks to those who follow this blog. While there is little in the way of comments, the site analytics-visits, page reads, etc.-are pretty good. Good enough to keep the show on the road.