uncle momo cafe ~ Jersey City, NJ (embiggenble)
wedding reception ~ Jersey City, NJ (embiggenble)
wedding reception ~ Jersey City, NJ (embiggenble)
I DO NOT OFTEN POST INSTRUCTIONAL aka: how-to, entries but, when I was working on the top picture in this entry, I performed a modification on the image file that I thought might interest my readers.
That single women picture was made without any opportunity for any iPhone settings. There was just enough time to point the iPhone and hit the make-a-picture button. The iPhone was pre-set to the PORTRAIT setting and chose the paper bag as the focus point. The “single woman”, aka: my subject, was not in focus. Not to worry cuz…
…one of the great features of the PORTRAIT setting is the fact that one can change the so-labled f-stop when processing the file. So, when I opened the file on my phone, I set the f-stop to f16 which essentially created an everything-in-focus image file. I copied and saved that image file and went back to the original image file and returned the f-stop to its original setting.
I now had 2 image files, one sharp, one soft focus. It was then a simple procedure-on my desktop machine using Photoshop-to select the “single woman” in the sharp image file and place it on a separate layer in the soft image file. And, voila, I now had the picture that I wanted; sharp referent with soft background. And, as you can see in the finished photograph, I made some modifications-color balance, tonal adjustments (on the single woman), high recovery (the light globes), and the removal of the upper left cyan cast (mixed light, daylight + tungsten)-on some selected areas of the image file and then merged the 2 layers together.
ASIDE I made a couple additional single women photographs while in Jersey City this weekend past. Those 2 photographs were made with my “standard” single women M.O.; making a picture without the woman in question knowing that I was making a picture of her. Which leads to a question, re: the Uncle Momo single women…
She seems to be aware of the fact that I was making a photograph of her. Although, it is possible that she might have thought that I was looking at / reading something on my iPhone. Whatever, the case, it does call into question whether I can, thematically writing, include it in my single women body of work. Gotta thing about that. END ASIDE