shadows and lines ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK (embiggenable) µ4/3
photo conversation with Anna # 1
photo conversation with Anna # 2
I am postponing, until tommorrow, my intention to write about my "serious" intentions, re: the new snapshot pictures, in today's entry. Instead, I am extending an invitation for you to participate in a photo conversation with me.
I am having a photos in conversation exhibit this coming December for which I need to engage in some more "conversations" with other picture makers in order to create 7-8 conversation pictures for the exhibit. If anyone would like to paricipate, the concept is simple one ...
1) I send you a picture or vice-versa in order to start a conversation - I would suggest that I start one conversation, the participant starts another.
2) the person receiving the conversation-starter picture responds with a picture to advance the conversation.
3) the response picture may be motivated by any consideration-intellectual, emotional, visual-incited by the conversation-starter picture.
4) this is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers, only answers.
For the exhibit, both conversationalists will be credited as authors of the conversation. The conversations will also be exibited on this blog.
I hope to hear from many of you. Let's have some fun.
FYI, the conversations in this entry are made from iPhone pictures. However, participants may send pictures made with any camera or camera-like device they chose.