Notre Dame football ~ my Saturday obsession (embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • SX-70 camera / Time Zero film
(embiggenable) • SX-70 camera / Time Zero film
I COULD SPEND THE NEXT MONTH POSTING Polaroids ... but I won't. Instead, I have added a REAL POLAROIDS gallery to my WORK page wherein I have uploaded some not previously posted Polaroids and will continue to upload more Polaroids as I edit my way through the thousands (literally) of Polaroids I have.
As a result of my recent dive into my vast Polaroid collection of prints, it has struck me as somewhat incredible that I never done a serious edit of those pictures. Consequently, in a significant omission to my POD photobooks library, there is not a single book-there probably should be at least 3-of Polaroid pictures. A fact which makes me feel somewhat akin to an idiot.
The scary / intimidating thing about this situation is that it's gonna take some serious time and effort to right that ship. Like I need that now what with an upcoming heart proceedure (ablation), the holiday season, Hugo's high school hockey season and, not to mention, my desire to keep the iPhone (smartphone) Photography Gallery project moving forward.
The first thought which comes to mind is .... anyone want to volunter for the presitgious position of intern?