(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
ART DOESN'T NEED A SUBJECT. iMconsideredO, content is antithetical to the art aesthetic and it is form that opens the gateway to the rapture of the art experience. Consequently, I would rather view a piece of art that makes me want to puke than one which makes me want to think* about it, i.e. to discern meaning (aka: content). However...
....lest I get carried away, I can not ignore the fact that, inasmuch as I navigate the art-waters of the medium of photography, my art making endevours are inexorably liked to real-world referents. That is the intrinsic nature of the beast. And, especially so with the medium of photography, what is depicted is most often linked to a picture's content, aka: meaning.
Fortuntely for me and my picture making, I am (seemingly) preternaturally drawn to making pictures of 'nothing" or, more accurately, nothing of any great visual significance. That is fortunate inasmuch as the depicted referent is unlikely, for those atuned to it, to get in the way of seeing the artistic sensibility / characteristics, the intended content of my pictures, employed in the making of my pictures.
DISCLAIMER: Of course, that is just the way I see it.
* which does not mean that a picture I view might not incite thoughts. Although, most of those thoughts are descriptive of the emotion(s) which the picture might have incited in me.