(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
A QUESTION WAS ASKED REGARDING MY DAILY MORNING viewing rota of photo blogs / sites. Simple to answer: I go to Markus Spring's Hot from the Sphere page on which there is a list of blogs / sites links he follows.
The page is updated on an automatic (assumption) basis - whenever a blog / site has a new entry, that site's link appears at the top of the page. Updating happens many times a day and night. It's a good source, for me, inasmuch as Markus' interests match up to mine reasonably well. An added bonus to starting with his links page is that some of those links lead to sites that, in turn, have links to other sites.
That written, if you're just looking for pictures, Instagram is the way to go for me. My feed, or whatever it might be called, is almost exclusively comprised of people I follow who are dedicated picture makers. There is a lot of good stuff on Instagram and it is mostly just pictures with very few words. At least that is so for the ones I follow.