(embiggenable) • iPhone + Argoflex Seventy five
(embiggenable) • iPhone
YESTERDAY, AS I EMBARKED UPON THE FIRST DAY OF MY 75TH YEAR ON THE PLANET, I was thinking back to the time when I thought I would create a series of pictures made of the view looking through the viewfinder of TLR. For one reason or another that never happened.
In any event, I still have the TLR I acquired for the proposed series so I got it out and made a picture of the view looking through the viewfinder. I think of the result as a view of the view through a viewfinder.
That written, this little exercise has not re-ignited a desire to make a series of such pictures. However, it has given rise to the idea of making some pictures-it uses still-available 620 film) with the ARGFLEX Seventy five TLR camera. Maybe that will happen. Maybe it won't.
My ambivalence on the subject comes from the fact that I have never fully embraced the activity of making pictures with a "toy" camera. That's inspite of the fact that I really like the look of such pictures. While the ARGOFLEX is not a true toy camera-or a crappy camera as they are affectionately called-(think Holga, Lomo and the like), it has all of the limitations of one; a single, undefined shutter speed (+ bulb setting), a single undefined aperature, no focusing capability, and lens quality that is as good as anyone's guess.
One might consider those "qualities" as a hindrance to good picture making. Nevertheless, for true crappy camera afficionados those are the features that contribute to the making of a good crappy camera picture.